Bringing Europe's Leaders Together


The Club of Three organises a range of formal and informal meetings for guest participants. The majority of meetings review the role of France, Germany and the UK in dealing with the major geo-strategic, economic and social issues of the day, as well as Europe’s relations with its main global partners



Club of Three & Defence Meeting
25-26 March 2011, Versailles

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Club of Three: Special Session on Defence
6-7 March 2009, London

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Europe and Russia: Defining a new economic and strategic engagement
20-21 June 2008, Stuttgart

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Club of Three: Special Session on Defence
23-24 March 2007, Essen-Kettwig

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America and Europe: Moving Towards 2020
22-24 February 2007, Washington D.C

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The Sense of History: Uses and Abuses of the Past
3-4 December 2004, Potsdam

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The Arts in America, Europe And Russia: Problems and Solutions
1-2 October 2004, London

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Club of Three Plenary Meeting
25-26 June 2004, Berlin

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Post-Saddam Iraq: the Way Ahead For America, Europe and Russia
27-28 February 2004, Washington D.C.

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